Company Highlights

15 million members worldwide

27 regions around the world

590 products sourced globally

Atomy is a South Korean global direct-selling company founded in 2009 by Han-Gill Park.

The company operates on a network marketing model, offering a wide range of immune-​boosting health supplements, award-winning skincare, beauty, personal care products, ​home care essentials, and food and beverages.

Atomy products are developed in collaboration with major South Korean companies and ​research institutes, ensuring top-notch quality and effectiveness.

The company focuses on “absolute quality, absolute price” -- sourcing high-quality ​products from all over the world.

Atomy is re-writing the history of Network Marketing.

MLM’s have had a bad reputation in the past, being labeled as ‘scams’ or ‘pyramid ​schemes’ due to unethical practices, misleading remarks, and confusing compensation ​plans.

Atomy recognizes the hesitancy people may have due to previous bad experiences. ​Because of this, Chairman Han-Gill Park wanted to take away any barriers, and make ​Atomy available to anyone.

Therefore there are....

🚫no registration fees,

🚫no monthly or annual fees,

🚫no subscriptions or auto-ship,

🚫no minimum orders,

🚫no starter kits to buy.

Account membership is free. ✅ Shop like you would on any major website -- products are ​delivered right to your door.

Becoming a distributor is free as well... no website or maintenance fees, and product ​pricing is the same for members and distributors.

Atomy is customer-focused and recognizes the importance of customer satisfaction for its ​members and distributors. When YOU win, Atomy wins! A true partnership.

A fair and righteous compensation plan. To view, CLICK HERE.

To start shopping on the Atomy website, you must sign up for a free account through an ​Atomy representative. If you're ready to begin, I'm here to help you with a custom sign-up ​link.

Send an email to with the subject line "Atomy Registration."

Or CLICK HERE to sign up!

Please note: this website is for educational purposes only. All sales must go through the ​official Atomy website.